Donald Trump Refusing to Denounce White Supremacy, Does Not Surprise Me



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[vc_column_text]A Statement  from Brenda Victoria Castillo, President & CEO of the National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC)

As a president of the United States, condemning White supremacy, especially during these turbulent times, should be automatic. But instead, last night President Donald Trump shocked the country when he refused to condemn White supremacists, and instead told groups, like the Proud Boys, a well-known White supremacist organization who appeared in Charlottesville’s deadly Unite the Right Rally in 2017, to “stand by.” But for us at the National Hispanic Media Coalition and other civil rights organizations who have tirelessly fought to eliminate hate and racism, we are not surprised.

We are not surprised, because we have believed Donald Trump when he showed us who he was from the very beginning, when he openly called Mexicans criminals and rapists, and when he coined the “Make America Great Again” rally cry as if our people, including American Latinx, had not been contributing to our country’s greatness from its inception.

We are also not surprised, because we have seen the racist, White nationalist, and xenophobic ads the Trump campaign has and continues to run on platforms, like Facebook, completely unchecked. As if having a president who cannot deny alignment with White supremacists isn’t bad enough, we also are at the mercy of moguls, like Mark Zuckerberg, who enable online hate and violence targeting the Latinx community.

In 2020, social media companies’ passive enforcement against White supremacist content has a direct effect on the safety and wellbeing of the Latinx, Black, Indigenous, Asian and other marginalized communities. We deserve an online and in-real-life experience free from White supremacy and violence.

Yours in the Movement,

Brenda Victoria Castillo
President & CEO
National Hispanic Media Coalition 

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National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) is a woman-led 501(c)(3) non-profit civil and human rights organization that was founded to eliminate hate, discrimination, and racism toward the Latino communities.
© 2025 National Hispanic Media Coalition // // o. (626) 792-6462
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