STATEMENT: NHMC Announces 2021 Policy Priorities



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March 1, 2021


Today I am pleased to announce the National Hispanic Media Coalition’s (NHMC) 2021 Policy Priorities. 2021 is proving to be an extension of the hardships our community has faced in recent years. It is beyond apparent now more than ever that systemic, institutionalized racism and discrimination is far-reaching and consuming to our lives. As a civil rights organization, the work to combat this kind of harm can feel overwhelming and never ending. 

For NHMC, our priority for 2021 is simple: eliminate white supremacy in long-term, big-picture ways. The last year has felt like a marathon of triage to address the most critical harms facing our community, but we know that band-aid solutions and performative politics are not really solutions at all. We must intentionally dismantle systems of power and privilege that brought us and continue to bring us to the margins and shadows. NHMC’s 2021 focus is on the core causes of discrimination in the media, technology, and telecommunications space. 

As we move forward to establish digital rights as civil rights, ensure that everyone has access to the internet as a human right, restore net neutrality, hold platforms accountable for enabling the spread of hate and white supremacy online, and increase the authentic representation of Latinx on screen, in writers’ rooms, in anchor seats, in the boardroom, and beyond, I hope that you will join and support our organization’s mission.


Yours in the Movement, 


Brenda Victoria Castillo
President & CEO
National Hispanic Media Coalition   


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National Hispanic Media Coalition (NHMC) is a woman-led 501(c)(3) non-profit civil and human rights organization that was founded to eliminate hate, discrimination, and racism toward the Latino communities.
© 2025 National Hispanic Media Coalition // // o. (626) 792-6462
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